Monday, May 21, 2012

Have you met my kids?

They're pretty awesome. Allow me to introduce you...

This is Jack
His "Take the damn picture, Mom" smile.
God help us all, he's so much like me. Stubborn as hell, wants what he wants when he wants it. But as long as this kid can have some fun, he's tolerable. :-) He's super smart- knows all of his letters and can count to ten. Lives to be outdoors and can out slide your kid. He's what I call an "angry shy" when he first meets people, but warms up and then is all smiles. He's also Mommy's snuggle bug and loves to cuddle up with a movie or a pile of books. 

His interests include: Cars 2, slides, chips & candy, the alphabet, Toy Story, singing, Angry Birds, books, claiming ownership of anything his sister touches, and going anywhere.

& this is Lily.

Try to take me out of this swing & I will cut you.

She is such a crazy little sweetheart. She loves other kids, especially her big brother. Girl loves to laugh and knows how to get some attention. She's a pro at walking and entertains everyone with her determination. She leans on the side of a Daddy's girl, so much so that anyone she likes is "Dada!" Perfect mix of girly and tomboy.

Her interests include: Food, eating, food, baby dolls, giving kisses, chewing on dirty shoes, being a dancing machine, walking, pretty painted toes, swinging, her bottle, annoying/playing with her brother.


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